What is the loyalty program?
Earn Canna Coins with every purchase that you can later redeem.
$1 spent = 1 Canna Coin earned
How do I join?
Simply create a new account, or log into your existing account to start earning Canna Coins on your next order. If you already have an account on our website, then you are automatically a loyalty member and can start earning Canna Coins! Just be sure that you are logged into your account when you place an order.
How can I earn Canna Coins?
You can discover the ways to earn Canna Coins by clicking on the purple “Loyalty Rewards” button at the bottom right corner of your screen. Scroll down to the “Ways to Earn Rewards” section and learn about the different ways you can earn Canna Coins!
How many Canna Coins will I receive?
The amount of Canna Coins received will match the subtotal of your purchase after discounts applied. Merchandise and Shipping excluded. Thank you!
What can I redeem my Canna Coins for?
Redeem your earned Canna Coins for discounts off of your next purchase or for free products. To see the specific free products that are being offered to redeem for, click on the purple “Loyalty Rewards” button at the bottom right corner of your screen. Scroll down to “Rewards Opportunities” to see all of the free items that are being offered to redeem your Canna Coins for.
Each product varies in cost of Canna Coins to be redeemed for. The free products being offered will be rotated periodically.
When can I redeem my Canna Coins?
You can redeem your Canna Coins after you have placed your first qualifying order and have earned Canna Coins. After your first order has been placed you can then create coupons to redeem on your future purchase. If you choose to pay via money order or cash, you will earn Canna Coins once we receive the payment.
How do I redeem my Canna Coins for free products?
Once you have earned Canna Coins, just click on the purple “Loyalty Rewards” button at the bottom right corner of the page. Then, scroll down to the “My Rewards” section. There will be a list of free products that you can redeem your Canna Coins for. Once you decide which free product you would like to redeem for, click “Redeem” on the chosen item. The item will then be added to your cart.
How do I redeem my Canna Coins for dollars off of my purchase?
Once you have earned Canna Coins, just click on the purple “Loyalty Rewards” button at the bottom right corner of the page. Then, scroll down to the “My Rewards” section. There will be a list of free products that you can redeem your Canna Coins for, as well as an option to convert your Canna Coins to dollar(s) off of your order. Scroll down to the image that says “Convert your Canna Coins to Dollar(s) off of your order” and click “Redeem Now”. A box will appear where you can choose how many points you would like to convert to dollars off of your purchase. After you have chosen how many points you would like to convert to dollar(s) off, just click “Redeem”. When you go to your cart, it will show the dollar(s) off of your order right under the subtotal of your order.
How do I turn my loyalty reward coupon back into Canna Coins?
Be sure that you are logged into your account. Click on the purple “Loyalty Rewards” button on the bottom right corner of your screen. Then, scroll down to “My Rewards” and then click on “Coupons” underneath it. Underneath the item you would like to revoke and turn back into Canna Coins, click on “Revert to Canna Coins”.
What is the exchange rate for Canna Coins?
100 Canna Coins = $1
I redeemed for a reward but I changed my mind, how do I remove it from my cart and get my Canna Coins back?
Go to your cart and scroll down to the subtotal. Click “Remove” next to the free product you would like to remove. However, the Canna Coins won’t automatically be put back, and instead turns into a “coupon”. To get your Canna Coins added back to your account, click on the purple “Loyalty Rewards” button on the bottom right corner of the page. Scroll down to the “My Rewards” section and then click the “coupon” tab. Then, you can click “Revert to Canna Coins”.
I am trying to redeem my loyalty reward coupon but I keep getting an error message stating “Coupon is not valid”, what do I do?
When you are getting an error message stating that your “coupon is not valid”, that means that the chosen loyalty reward item is no longer in stock. You will need to convert your loyalty reward coupon back to Canna Coins and pick a different loyalty item to redeem for. Here are instructions on how to revert your loyalty reward coupon back to Canna Coins:
Be sure that you are logged into your account. Click on the purple “Loyalty Rewards” button on the bottom right corner of your screen. Then, scroll down to “My Rewards” and then click on “Coupons” underneath it. Underneath the item you would like to revoke and turn back into Canna Coins, click on “Revert to Canna Coins”.
Additional Info:
Canna Coins are not retroactive for current account users. Our program started on 10/4/23, any orders placed before then will not apply to the program.
Keep an eye on our newsletter for added features and benefits for our valued loyalty members!
Why is my birthday showing as a day earlier than my actual birthday?
Depending on what time of day you entered the date of your birthday, it can sometimes translate to the day before due to our website being in universal time.